The intention behind my work is to create safe spaces—through workshops and retreats—in which we get the opportunity to explore ourselves, our being human; our relationship with nature and with each other.
Through sharing and opening up about our difficulties, our fears, our stories in a safe environment we can realise that we are not alone and through this experience create nourishing and powerful bonds with ourselves and with each other.
Growing up, often our predominant lesson is learning to fit in. Early we learn to fulfill wishes and expectations of our parents, teachers, culture (........... fill in the blank) and get molded into a norm of a way without getting much chance to stop, to reflect, to explore. Often we don’t get taught in how to be in contact with ourselves—our emotions, our needs, our desires—and how to handle, communicate, endure or transform them.
In my workshops I open the space to explore all this with the help of simple but powerful methods that range from meditation, writing, body contact, movement and sound—intuitively interwoven, holding the space for a journey within.
To support and uplift fellow Women is a matter of Heart to me. What does it mean to be a woman in this time of transition? A time of emancipation in a world that has been dominantly built up by principles of competition, exploitation and oppression. In a time in which showing our emotions is still often to be considered as weak or inappropriate. What does it look like to be a powerful, strong Woman in this time? What does it mean when we ask for equality? Does it mean that we align to these prevalent harmful principles and conventions to be successful?
My humble answer to this question is: No.
I believe that ‘saying No’ and reclaiming our own space—internally and externally—is one of the most important lessons that we have to learn as Women. Carving new paths of compassion, solidarity and unity.
Within Women’s Circles we get the chance:
—to ask questions, like:
“Where in my life am I at?” and “What is it that I need?”
“How can I bring my visions and skills into the world?”, “How do I become my own supporter?”, “How can I support my Sisters in their journey?”
—to receive input on how to cultivate self-reliance, stand up for our needs and boundaries, and experience sincere, inclusive and supportive community.
My motivation behind all self-exploration efforts is the question of how this personal, intimate, inner work can contribute positively to the environment. I believe that learning how to get together, how to share openly and vulnerably from the heart, how to communicate and how to support each other in a nourishing way is one of the most important concerns of our time. In my workshops I am using community building methods that I have experienced and collected along my path to create the space for dropping our walls and moving into authentic connection.
If you are interested in community living or in exploring alternative paths of wandering on this world—here I’ve collected some useful links.
To protect Nature, it is essential that we return to Nature—to find again that we are Nature, overcoming the illusion that we exist separately from Her or from each other. It is essential that we realise that we are deeply connected to this planet, interwoven in it’s delicate, living ecosystem. To connect with where we come from is the mission of this time. Probably the most necessary and simultaneously the most wholesome mission of all—for us and for Mother Earth.
Find out about current retreats here.
One of my current heart projects is called Bodyloveletters. This project came into being to portray a broad range of body diversity on a platform that is cluttered by perfectly staged, manipulated pictures—promoting one-sided, superficial ideals of beauty. This project aims to serve as a display of the inner battles we have to go through due to absurd, unrealistic beauty standards and at the same time gives the participants the possibility to come to a place of love towards their body. By sharing openly we recognize that we are not alone. We give a voice to the many who disagree with today’s mainstream ideal of beauty and can be a positive, authentic rolmodel—the ones who may have been missing for us.
The intention behind my work is to create safe spaces—through workshops and retreats—in which we get the opportunity to explore ourselves, our being human; our relationship with nature and with each other.
Through sharing and opening up about our difficulties, our fears, our stories in a safe environment we can realise that we are not alone and through this experience create nourishing and powerful bonds with ourselves and with each other.
Growing up, often our predominant lesson is learning to fit in. Early we learn to fulfill wishes and expectations of our parents, teachers, culture (........... fill in the blank) and get molded into a norm of a way without getting much chance to stop, to reflect, to explore. Often we don’t get taught in how to be in contact with ourselves—our emotions, our needs, our desires—and how to handle, communicate, endure or transform them.
In my workshops I open the space to explore all this with the help of simple but powerful methods that range from meditation, writing, body contact, movement and sound—intuitively interwoven, holding the space for a journey within.
To support and uplift fellow Women is a matter of Heart to me. What does it mean to be a woman in this time of transition? A time of emancipation in a world that has been dominantly built up by principles of competition, exploitation and oppression. In a time in which showing our emotions is still often to be considered as weak or inappropriate. What does it look like to be a powerful, strong Woman in this time? What does it mean when we ask for equality? Does it mean that we align to these prevalent harmful principles and conventions to be successful?
My humble answer to this question is: No.
I believe that ‘saying No’ and reclaiming our own space—internally and externally—is one of the most important lessons that we have to learn as Women. Carving new paths of compassion, solidarity and unity.
Within Women’s Circles we get the chance:
—to ask questions, like:
“Where in my life am I at?” and “What is it that I need?”
“How can I bring my visions and skills into the world?”, “How do I become my own supporter?”, “How can I support my Sisters in their journey?”
—to receive input on how to cultivate self-reliance, stand up for our needs and boundaries, and experience sincere, inclusive and supportive community.
My motivation behind all self-exploration efforts is the question of how this personal, intimate, inner work can contribute positively to the environment. I believe that learning how to get together, how to share openly and vulnerably from the heart, how to communicate and how to support each other in a nourishing way is one of the most important concerns of our time. In my workshops I am using community building methods that I have experienced and collected along my path to create the space for dropping our walls and moving into authentic connection.
If you are interested in community living or in exploring alternative paths of wandering on this world—here I’ve collected some useful links.
To protect Nature, it is essential that we return to Nature—to find again that we are Nature, overcoming the illusion that we exist separately from Her or from each other. It is essential that we realise that we are deeply connected to this planet, interwoven in it’s delicate, living ecosystem. To connect with where we come from is the mission of this time. Probably the most necessary and simultaneously the most wholesome mission of all—for us and for Mother Earth.
Find out about current retreats here.
One of my current heart projects is called Bodyloveletters. This project came into being to portray a broad range of body diversity on a platform that is cluttered by perfectly staged, manipulated pictures—promoting one-sided, superficial ideals of beauty. This project aims to serve as a display of the inner battles we have to go through due to absurd, unrealistic beauty standards and at the same time gives the participants the possibility to come to a place of love towards their body. By sharing openly we recognize that we are not alone. We give a voice to the many who disagree with today’s mainstream ideal of beauty and can be a positive, authentic rolmodel—the ones who may have been missing for us.